University of Cincinnati Office of Research

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24 search results for acup training

ACUP Training Request Form (Opens in new window)

All individuals (trainees) in UC's Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP) must complete role-specific trainings prior to joining an approved UC IACUC protocol. A Principal Investigator (PI) or approved PI proxy must complete and submit this form to register a trainee for ACUP training and authorize the IACUC Office to administratively add the trainee to the provided IACUC protocol(s) when training is complete.

Contact Office: ACUP


101 ACUP Training Policy (PDF)

The UC IACUC requires personnel working with animals to have the necessary knowledge and expertise for specific animal procedures and species approved in their IACUC protocol. Refer to to this policy for the steps to meet these requirements.

Contact Office: ACUP


Acute CSI Surgical Training (PDF)

This form documents IACUC-related training conducted within the Center for Surgical Innovation (CSI). Trainer must email completed copy to the UC Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP)


Contact Office: ACUP


CITI Training Guide (PDF)

UC's Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP) uses the Greater Cincinnati Academic and Regional Health Centers (GCARHC) CITI training curriculum, which is shared amongst regional institutions. Each individual must affiliate a new or existing CITI account with GCARHC, then answer a questionnaire to assign required courses based on the nature of your involvement in animal research. This guide will walk individuals through the entire process.

Contact Office: ACUP


Satellite & Field Orientation Species Specific Training (PDF)

This form pertains to satellite housing and field research personnel only. The Principal Investigator or a qualified lab member must complete this form with any new personnel and submit to as part of the trainees onboarding requirements and before the individual can be added to an IACUC protocol. This form indicates they have completed orientation and species specific training applicable to the location and species on their protocol.

Contact Office: ACUP


New Researcher Guide (PDF)

Quick reference guide for new researchers or anyone conducting research at the University of Cincinnati including protocol requirements and what office to contact for guidance.

Contact Office: HRPP


115 Post-Approval Monitoring Policy (PDF)

Post-approval monitoring (PAM) consists of monitoring the animal program as a whole, as well as all animal use post IACUC protocol approval. The purpose of PAM is to routinely evaluate ACUP process efficiency, animal use/housing areas, and animal use in alignment with the approved IACUC protocol. PAM methods include but are not limited to protocol and program review, lab visits, procedural observations, semi-annual inspections, program review, evaluation of record keeping, and investigating non-compliance. 

Contact Office: ACUP


Physical Euthanasia Guidelines (PDF)

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) sets best practice standards for how animals are euthanized in the United States and in some circumstances internationally in the AVMA Guidelines for Euthanasia. The AVMA considers performing physical methods of euthanasia (e.g. cervical dislocation, decapitation) without prior administration of anesthesia conditionally acceptable and humane when no other appropriate alternatives exist. Additionally, personnel should be trained on anesthetized or dead animals to demonstrate proficiency.

Contact Office: ACUP


117 Principal Investigator Responsibility Policy (PDF)

The University of Cincinnati’s Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP) relies on the Principal Investigator (PI) of an approved IACUC protocol to understand their responsibilities when utilizing animal subjects. Additionally, the PI is responsible for ensuring that their research staff involved in the animal use protocol is equally informed of these responsibilities.

Contact Office: ACUP


100 Protocol Submission and IACUC Review Policy (PDF)

There are several mechanisms for the review and approval of  submitted Animal Care and Use protocols and modifications to those protocols. All animal work for research, testing, or teaching must occur under an approved IACUC protocol. Protocols are approved for a maximum of 3 years. Prior to the 3-year expiration date, a triennial (de novo) review is required.

All documents requiring IACUC review must be submitted through the Research Administration Portal (RAP) system.

Contact Office: ACUP

