University of Cincinnati Office of Research

Search Results

76 search results for Research Security

DURC & PEPP Policy Highlights (PDF)

This Policy addresses oversight of research on biological agents and toxins that, when enhanced, have the potential to pose risks to public health, agriculture, food security, economic security, or national security.

Contact Office: Biosafety


DOD 101 - Navigating the DOD (PDF)

 Dr. Reed Skaggs from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will provide a “DOD 101” seminar to introduce the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Security related research and development opportunities. This presentation shows how to successfully compete for DOD funding, and give advice on how to best interact with federal agencies. 

Contact Office: Research Development


DOD 101 - The DOD Health Enterprise (PDF)

 Dr. Reed Skaggs from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will provide a “DOD 101” seminar to introduce the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Security related research and development opportunities. This presentation shows how to successfully compete for DOD funding. 

Contact Office: Research Development


UCScienceNet (UCSN) FAQs (Opens in new window)

UC ScienceNet (UCSN) is a high-speed academic research network that enables high-speed (10Gps-40Gps) data transfers. High-speed connections are available in your office, classrooms, or labs as long as certain security conditions are met. High-speed networking is available for on-campus transfers as well as connections made to endpoints on Internet 2 sites.

Contact Office: SRS


Outside Activity Report OAR Link - Non UC Employees (Opens in new window)

Use this web link for OAR if you are Affiliates, Subawardee contracts, consultants or collaborators

Tips for the affiliate OAR portal:

  1. If you are not a U.S. citizen (e.g., international consultant, collaborator, researcher, etc.), please enter “9999” in the data query that asks for a social security number (SSN).
  2. Answer “Yes” to the Affiliate question if you are listed on a research grant or protocol at the University of Cincinnati (UC) but are not officially a UC employee.

Contact Office: RSE


Office of Research Controlled Unclassified Policy (PDF)

This research policy outlines requirements for receiving, collecting, developing, handling, storing, processing, and maintaining information that falls into at least one of the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) registry categories, as listed on the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) website.

Contact Office: RSE



This document defines Dual Use Research of Concern and provides information on the existent policy.

Contact Office: Biosafety


DURC Training (NIH) (PDF)

The NIH's training material on Dual Use research Concerns.
It covers:

  • What is Dual Use Research?
  • Oversight of DURC
  • Responsibilities of various parties
KEYWORDS: DURC, dual use, training, biosafety

Contact Office: Biosafety


Fall 2019 Office of Research Unit Heads Slides (PDF)

This Powerpoint was used to assist department and unit heads with specific information on resources and activities. The presentation includes an overview, SRS Data for FY 2018, OOR Initiatives, Policies and Practices, and much more.

Presented By: Dr. Pat Limbach, Vice President for Research
Presented On: November 5, 2018

Contact Office: VPR


Overview of the U.S. Department of Energy (6/7) (PDF)

The purpose of the webinar is to provide information on the mission, programs, and priorities of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and how it supports extramural research and development. The presentation will include overviews of DOE’s basic and applied research offices and anticipated funding opportunities, as well as advice on how university researchers can most effectively engage with the agency. Additional information will also be provided on cross-agency initiatives that are guiding investment in new and emerging research areas.

Contact Office: Research Development

