University of Cincinnati Office of Research

Search Results

8 search results for Communicating your Research

Communicating Your Research - Impact and Significance (PDF)

Presentation given on 10/31/2017

This presentation is all about the impact and significance that Communicating Your Research has. Examples like "NIH and FDA bypass traditional, slower deliberative process and fast-track technology transfer from Dr. Marshall’s findings"

This is 1 of 3 presentations on Communicating Your Research. This presenter for this presentation was Bob Hyland, A&S Assistant Professor-Educator, Rhetoric and Prof Writing.

Contact Office: SRS


Communicating Your Research - Adapting Your Research to Your Audience (PDF)

Presentation given on 10/31/2017

Presentation explaining how to cater research to an identified audience using stories to drive arguments.

This is the second presentation in the Communicating Your Research event. Presented by Lora Arduser, Associate Professor, Director, Professional & Technical Writing Program

Contact Office: SRS


Communicating Your Research - A Workshop (PDF)

Presentation given on 02/26/2018

Best practices for research storytelling, public speaking tips and tricks, improv as a path toward better research communication, tailoring your message to your audience and more.

In this two-hour workshop, you’ll spend time on your own and in small groups drafting, honing and practicing how to communicate key aspects of your research to a variety of audiences. Emphasis is on conversations, though you will spend some time writing as well.

Contact Office: SRS


Communicating Your Research - Project Proposal Abstract to NIH (PDF)

Presentation given on 10/31/2017

The proposed research is innovative because we investigate the effect of inflammatory signaling pathways on epigenetic complexes in Treg cells, a heretofore-unexamined process. Insight into epigenetic mechanisms is impactful as T cell progenitor cells inherit the parent transcriptional profile and unlike genetic change, they are modifiable by currently available therapy.

An example of a project proposal that falls under Communicating Your Research.

Contact Office: SRS

