University of Cincinnati Office of Research

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How to Form Research Teams - Research Team Leadership (PDF)

This powerpoint goes over all the right questions to ask yourself about leading your research team, Professional Development for all trainees, Support for graduate students, Postdoc Mentoring and much more.

This is the third presentation in How to Form Research Teams.
Presenters: Chip Montrose, Dean of the Graduate School,, and Teri Reed, AVP for Economic Research Development, Office of Research, This presentation is 3 of 3 in a group of documents called " How to Form Research Teams".

Contact Office: SRS


Posting a Consent to a Federal Website (PDF)

Federally-supported clinical trials that receive initial IRB approval on or after January 21, 2019 must post an unsigned copy of the study consent form to a publicly available federal website. Refer to this document for additional details and instructions.

Contact Office: HRPP


Humane Endpoint Guidelines (PDF)

The purpose of this guideline is to assist researchers to provide a set of commonly used criteria for the establishment of humane intervention criteria.

Contact Office: ACUP


Quality Management Program for Clinical Patients (PDF)

This program is established to provide high confidence that radiation from radioactive material will be administered to human patients as directed by the Human-use Authorized User as authorized by the Radiation Safety Committee under the Radiation Control and Safety Program of the University of Cincinnati.

Contact Office: RadSafety


Proposal Review Guide (PDF)

Basic Proposal Review instructions/guidelines. Please see the agency guidelines/RFP's for more details as needed.

Contact Office: SRS

