University of Cincinnati Office of Research

Search Results

5 search results for Preparing Proposals in Response to the Collaborative Advancement Grant Program

Preparing Proposals in Response to the Collaborative Advancement Grant Program - Presentation for Fall Workshop (PDF)

The Science of Team Science,Collaboration Hierarchy, 10 Characteristics of High Functioning Teams, and The Collaboration Network are some of the topics discussed in this workshop. It provided further details about the CAGP(Collaborative Advancement Grant Program) and how you can help.

Location: 462 Langsam Library

Contact Office: Research Development


Preparing Proposals in Response to the Collaborative Advancement Grant Program - How to effectively prepare a proposal for UC Collaborative Internal Grants (PDF)

Preliminary Remarks, the steps of Track 1(Pilot Teams) and Track 2(Strategic Teams), and External Funding are some of the topics discussed in this presentation.

Presented By: Suzanne Boyce (Communication Sciences and Disorders), Michael Riley (Psychology), T. Douglas Mast (Biomedical Engineering), Sarah Hamilton Dugan (CSD and Psychology, Postdoc)

Contact Office: Research Development


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report FY23 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS

