University of Cincinnati Office of Research

Search Results

10 search results for How to Find Funding Opportunities

DOD 101 - Navigating the DOD (PDF)

 Dr. Reed Skaggs from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will provide a “DOD 101” seminar to introduce the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Security related research and development opportunities. This presentation shows how to successfully compete for DOD funding, and give advice on how to best interact with federal agencies. 

Contact Office: Research Development


Building Your Research Team: Undergrads, Graduate Students and Postdocs (PDF)

Office of Research Development and Support Series that dives into what, how, and why of building a strong research team.

Presented By: Chip Montrose, Dean of Graduate School, James Mack, Associate Dean of Graduate School, Megan Lamkin, Director of Undergraduate Research Experiences, and Teri Reed, OoR Assistant VP Research Development 

Contact Office: SRS

