University of Cincinnati Office of Research

Search Results

20 search results for Early Career Funding Opportunities

Overview of the U.S. Department of Energy (6/7) (PDF)

The purpose of the webinar is to provide information on the mission, programs, and priorities of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and how it supports extramural research and development. The presentation will include overviews of DOE’s basic and applied research offices and anticipated funding opportunities, as well as advice on how university researchers can most effectively engage with the agency. Additional information will also be provided on cross-agency initiatives that are guiding investment in new and emerging research areas.

Contact Office: Research Development


DOD 101 - Navigating the DOD (PDF)

 Dr. Reed Skaggs from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will provide a “DOD 101” seminar to introduce the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Security related research and development opportunities. This presentation shows how to successfully compete for DOD funding, and give advice on how to best interact with federal agencies. 

Contact Office: Research Development


DOD 101 - The DOD Health Enterprise (PDF)

 Dr. Reed Skaggs from Lewis-Burke Associates LLC will provide a “DOD 101” seminar to introduce the Department of Defense (DOD) and National Security related research and development opportunities. This presentation shows how to successfully compete for DOD funding. 

Contact Office: Research Development


UC Accelerator: Process, Opportunities and Mini-workshop Presentation (PDF)

Powerpoint presentation given on March 21, 2018 providing general information on invention disclosures, intellectual property, licensing, Accelerator awards, and entrepreneurial training. Didactic training designed to show faculty how to develop their actual ideas or invention into a legitimate commercialization play is a core part of this presentation.

Contact Office: SRS


Building Your Research Team: Undergrads, Graduate Students and Postdocs (PDF)

Office of Research Development and Support Series that dives into what, how, and why of building a strong research team.

Presented By: Chip Montrose, Dean of Graduate School, James Mack, Associate Dean of Graduate School, Megan Lamkin, Director of Undergraduate Research Experiences, and Teri Reed, OoR Assistant VP Research Development 

Contact Office: SRS


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report for FY19 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report for FY20 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report FY23 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report FY22 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS


UC Uniform Guidance Audit Report for FY21 (PDF)

Pursuant to Federal requirement, the University of Cincinnati has had an audit of its Federal awards performed in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Contact Office: SRS

